Business Status COVID-19 – Now also undertaking non-emergency repairs and maintenance

Government advice on tradespersons working in people houses is now that repairs and maintenance can be undertaken providing that the household does not have anybody who is extremely vulnerable or has coronavirus symptoms, and that the person conducting the work is well.
In the light of this Electrical and Test are now undertaking a wider scope of works than we have been previously.
In addition to emergency works that directly impact safety we are now also undertaking essential repairs and undertaking maintenance of wiring systems where we can work responsibly.
We are still not taking on work that is purely being undertaken for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons.
Examples of types of work we will now be undertaking:
- Emergencies, for example the power has tripped and won’t come back on again, you are receiving electric shocks from accessories or something is overheating or has set on fire. (we have been available for works such as this throughout the lockdown.)
- Essential Repairs, for example, a light fitting or extractor fan has failed, a socket, switch or fuse board has become loose on the wall or you outside lights have filled up with water trip your breakers if you try to use them.
- Maintenance, for example your Periodic Electrical Inspection is overdue, your emergency lighting needs its regular test, or your smoke alarms have started “chirping” to indicate they need batteries changing or the detectors replacing.
We will, in each case, assess how we can conduct the works whilst maintaining a social distance, if this is not possible we may decide that we can undertake a minimum amount of work and then allow things to be safely postponed.
We are maintaining enhanced hygiene such as hand washing on arrival and we will give you a fixed time and date when we will attend so we don’t arrive without warning (incidentally we never just turn up unannounced, tradespersons not keeping to appointments is a particular hatred of mine!). We will try during the works to maintain a safe distance (at least 2 metres) from any household occupants. Government has also suggested that whilst works are undertaken there is good ventilation in the area for example opening the windows or doors.
We will not be able to undertake works if someone in your household is extremely vulnerable or has coronavirus symptoms unless there is a direct risk to safety.
If you are in a household where an individual is experiencing symptoms or is being shielded, we can only undertake works to remedy a direct risk to the safety of the household and in that event we will make an extensive plan with you by phone first to undertake the works as safely as possible.
I will post further updates as and when the situation changes, for now as ever, stay safe everyone.
Darren Briddock
Director, Electrical and Test Ltd